His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist him, has kindly given His High Instructions for the creation of the Body in charge of revising the Family Code - The Head of Government held a meeting with the members of the steering committee to inform them about the contents of the Royal Letter related to revising the Family Code - The Body in charge of revising the Family Code launches hearing sessions devoted to various steakholders - The Body in charge of revising the Family Code ends its hearing sessions but keeps the door open for more proposals and opinions

+Institutional actors

  • The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates
  • The Ministry of the Interior
  • The Ministry of Solidarity, Social Integration and Family
  • The Supreme Council of the Judicial Power
  • The Higher Council for Education, Training and Scientific Research
  • The Economic, Social and Environmental Council
  • The National Council for Human Rights
  • The High Commission for Planning
  • The Council of the Moroccan Community living abroad
  • The Institution of the Kingdom's Mediator
  • The Royal Institute for Amazigh Culture

+Political parties and their affiliated women organizations

  • The National Rally of Independents (RNI)
  • The Istiqlal Party (PI)
  • The Socialist Union of Popular Forces (USFP)
  • The Authenticity and Modernity Party (PAM)
  • The Popular Movement (MP)
  • The Constitutional Union (UC)
  • The Justice and Development Party (PJD)
  • Democratic and Social Movement (MDS)
  • The Front of Democratic Forces (FFD)
  • The Unified Socialist Party (PSU)
  • The Federation of the Democratic Left (FGD)
  • The Party of Progress and Socialism (PPS)
  • The Party of Hope (PE)
  • The Shura and Istiqlal Party (PCI)
  • The Action Party (PA)
  • The Party of the Social Center (PCS)
  • The Moroccan Liberal Party (PML)
  • The Party of Liberty and Social Justice (PLJS)
  • The Party of Renaissance and Virtue (PRV)
  • The Renaissance Party (PR)
  • The Party of Democratic Society (PSD)
  • The Environment and Sustainable Development Party
  • The Moroccan Green Party
  • The New Democrats Party
  • The Party of the Moroccan Union for Democracy
  • The Reform and Development Party
  • The Unity and Democracy Party

+Trade Unions

  • The Moroccan Workers Union (UMT)
  • The General Union of Moroccan Workers (UGMT)
  • The Democratic Confederation of Labour (CDT)
  • The Democratic Federation of Labour (FDT)
  • The Democratic Labour Organization (ODT)
  • The National Labour Union of Morocco (UNTM)

+Civil society actors and organizations

  • Rabita Mohammadia of Ulema
  • National Union of Moroccan Women (UNFM),
  • National Observatory for Children's Rights (ONDE)
  • Women's Coordination for Comprehensive and In-depth Reform of Family Code
  • Spring of Dignity coalition
  • Forum Azzahrae for Moroccan Women
  • Women's Coalition for Family Code Based on Equality and Dignity
  • Moroccan Center of the University Professor for Research on Gender and Development
  • Dynamic of Equality without reservations
  • Amazigh Network for Citizenship
  • Association Al Batoul for the Protection of Women and Girls
  • Associative coalition « Kafala »
  • Moroccan Association for Orphans
  • March 8 Coalition for a legal framework against discrimination
  • Emergency centers Network
  • Moroccan Organization for Human Rights
  • Moroccan League for Human Rights
  • Al Karama Forum for Human Rights
  • ADALA Association for the Right to a Fair Trial
  • Citizenship Forum
  • Damir Movement
  • Independent Body for human rights
  • Moroccan Body for human rights
  • Human Rights Forum in Northern Morocco
  • People's Rights Center
  • Moroccan Forum for Democracy and Human Rights
  • Moroccan Association for defending the Rights of Fathers and Children
  • Moroccan Association for defending Men Victims of Violence
  • Popular childhood movement
  • Massar Association
  • League of Hope for Moroccan Children
  • Moroccan League of Citizenship and Human Rights
  • Association « Sayidati Al Maghribia »
  • Moroccan Rabita of Citizenship and Human Rights

+Study and research centers/Experts

  • International Center for Diplomacy
  • Center for Family Studies and Research on Values and Law
  • Moroccan Center of the University Professor for Research on Gender and Development Issues
  • Dynamic of equality without reservations
  • Amazigh Network for Citizenship
  • Association Al Batoul for the Protection of Women and Girls
  • Souss-Massa Center for Contemporary Legal and Judicial Studies
  • Representatives of Moroccan universities
  • Professors of Sharia and Law at the Faculty of Sharia in Agadir
  • Makassid Center for Studies and Researches
  • Al Quaraouiyine Center for Studies and Research
  • Center for legal studies on societal and national issues
  • Moroccan Center for Educational Studies and Research.
  • Ichâa Center for Family Studies
  • Legal clinic under the Faculty of Law, Economics and Social Sciences - MohammedV University of Rabat
  • Razan Foundation for Strategic Studies on Family and Society