His Majesty King Mohammed VI, Commander of the Faithful, may God assist Him, Chairman of the Higher Council of Ulema, on Friday 21 Dou Al Hijja 1445 H corresponding to June 28, 2024, kindly gave His High Directives to the Council, to examine some points contained in the proposals of the Body in charge of revising the Family Code, with reference to the principles and precepts of the holy religion of Islam and its tolerant purposes, and to submit a Fatwa in this regard to the High Appreciation of the Sovereign - His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist him, has kindly given His High Instructions for the creation of the Body in charge of revising the Family Code - The Head of Government held a meeting with the members of the steering committee to inform them about the contents of the Royal Letter related to revising the Family Code - The Body in charge of revising the Family Code launches hearing sessions devoted to various steakholders - The Body in charge of revising the Family Code ends its hearing sessions but keeps the door open for more proposals and opinions

An excerpt from the Royal letter adressed to the Head of Governement on revising the Family Code :

«...the desired revisiting of the law must be limited to fixing the imbalances revealed over nearly twenty years by the implementation of the text from a judicial perspective, as well as to amending the provisions that have become outdated given the development of Moroccan society and of our national legislation...»

September 27, 2023

The Head of Governement informs the steering comittee members about the contents of the Royal letter

September 30, 2023

The Body in charge of revising the Family Code holds a meeting to set up the working methodology

November 1, 2023

Launching of listening and hearing sessions at the headquarters of the Academy of the Kingdom

June 28, 2024

His Majesty King Mohammed VI, Commander of the Faithful, may God assist Him, Chairman of the Higher Council of Ulema, on Friday 21 Dou Al Hijja 1445 H corresponding to June 28, 2024, kindly gave His High Directives to the Council, to examine some points contained in the proposals of the Body in charge of revising the Family Code, with reference to the principles and precepts of the holy religion of Islam and its tolerant purposes, and to submit a Fatwa in this regard to the High Appreciation of the Sovereign.

The Body in charge of revising the Family Code


As part of the implementation of the broad participatory approach adovocated by the Royal Letter addressed to the Head of Government concerning the revision of the Family Code, the Body in charge of revising the Family Code held meetings with the following parties :

- Institutional actors

- Political parties and affiliated women organizations

- Trade unions

- Civil society actors

- Professional associations and practitioners

- Experts from study and research centers

listening and hearing sessions






Institutional actors


Political parties


Trade Unions

More than 1000 associations


professional associations


and faculties



Timeline of the Family Code revision process