His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist him, has kindly given His High Instructions for the creation of the Body in charge of revising the Family Code - The Head of Government held a meeting with the members of the steering committee to inform them about the contents of the Royal Letter related to revising the Family Code - The Body in charge of revising the Family Code launches hearing sessions devoted to various steakholders - The Body in charge of revising the Family Code ends its hearing sessions but keeps the door open for more proposals and opinions

His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist him, has kindly given His High Instructions for the creation of a Body in charge of revising the Family Code, through a Royal Letter addressed to the Head of Government on September 26, 2023.

His Majesty the King, may God Preserve him, has entrusted the preparation of this important reform, in a collective and collegial manner, to the Ministry of Justice, the Supreme Council of the Judicial Power and the Presidency of the Public Prosecutor's Office, and called on these institutions to closely involve other bodies directly concerned by this issue, headed by the Supreme Council of Ulema, the National Human Rights Council, the Government authority in charge of Solidarity, Social Integration and Family,

The Royal Letter set the main guidelines on which the upgrading of the Family Code should be based, namely:

  • Fixing the imbalances that the experince of the judiciary implementattion of the Family Code has revealed over nearly twenty years, as well as amending the provisions that have become outdated given the evolution of the Moroccan society and national laws.

  • Upgrading the Family Code in line with the purposes of the Islamic Sharia and the specificities of Moroccan society, while adopting the virtues of moderation, open-minded Ijtihad, consultation and dialogue.

  • Implementing constructive reasoning to strike a balance between the islamic frame of reference and its purposes on the one hand, and the internationally agreed rights developpments on the other hand.

In accordance with the High Royal Instructions contained in the Royal Letter, this important societal project is based on a broad participatory approach, involving institutional actors and civil society organizations working in the field of human rights, the rights of women and children as well as experts and practitioners.

The High Royal Instructions stipulate that the proposed amendments are to be submitted to His Majesty the King for approval within a maximum period of six months, before the government drafts the relevant bill and submits it to parliament for adoption.